RaySearch Laboratories AB (publ) är glada att kunna berätta att Institut de Cancérologie de Lorraine, Centre Jean Perrin och Centre Hospitalier Universitaire de Limoges har lagt ordrar på dosplaneringssystemet RayStation®* inom Unicancers ramverk 2019.
Unicancer är ett franskt sjuhusnätverk specialiserat på onkologi med 18 cancercenter och två filialer på 22 olika sjukhus i Frankrike. Varje år behandlas fler än 600 000 patienter vid Unicancers olika center och inom nätverket pågår 787 kliniska prövningar.
Orderna från Institut de Cancérologie de Lorraine, Centre Jean Perrin och Centre Hospitalier Universitaire de Limoges gjordes under sommaren 2024. Det totala ordervärdet från de tre centren var 3,2 MEUR exklusive serviceavtal, varav cirka en tredjedel redovisades som intäkt under Q2 2024 och två tredjedelar under Q3.
Sammanlagt har 14 center av de 20 centren som utgör Unicancers nätverk, samt två statliga sjukhus, köpt RayStation inom Unicancers ramavtal 2029/PP019, som löpt under fyra år. RayStation och RayCare har nu valts för att ingå i ett nytt ramavtal (2023), vilket gäller från augusti 2024.
Johan Löf, grundare och vd, RaySearch: “Jag är mycket glad över avtalen med dessa viktiga franska center, särskilt som de alla är comprehensive cancer centers. RayStation är en utmärkt början, men vår vision är att vår mjukvara ska kunna stödja alla de discipliner som ingår i ett comprehensive cancer center.”
About Unicancer
Unicancer is the only French hospital network dedicated to the fight against cancer. It brings together the 18 French comprehensive cancer centers and affiliated centers, spread across 22 hospitals in France. The network offers a cancer care model that combines excellence, humanism, solidarity, and innovation and is committed to offering patients the best possible treatment, adapted to their cancer type, and at the forefront of medical progress, research and technology. Unicancer employs more than 25,500 health care professionals and other employees and every year more than 600,000 patients are treated at a Unicancer center. In total, 787 clinical trials sponsored by the network are ongoing. Read more: unicancer.fr/en/.
About RaySearch
RaySearch Laboratories AB (publ) is a medical technology company that develops innovative software solutions for improved cancer treatment. RaySearch markets the RayStation®* treatment planning system (TPS) and the oncology information system (OIS) RayCare®*. The most recent additions to the RaySearch product line are RayIntelligence® and RayCommand®*. RayIntelligence is an oncology analytics system (OAS) which enables cancer clinics to collect, structure and analyze data. RayCommand, a treatment control system (TCS), is designed to link the treatment machine and the treatment planning and oncology information systems.
RaySearch's software has been sold to over 1,000 clinics in 44 countries. The company was founded in 2000 as a spin-off from the Karolinska Institute in Stockholm and the share has been listed on Nasdaq Stockholm since 2003. More information is available at raysearchlabs.com.
About RayStation
RayStation®* is a flexible, innovative treatment planning system, chosen by many leading cancer centers worldwide. It combines unique features such as unmatched adaptive therapy capabilities, multi-criteria optimization, market-leading algorithms for treatment plan optimization for HDR brachytherapy and external beam therapy with photons, electrons, and protons, as well as helium and carbon ions. RayStation supports a wide range of treatment machines, providing one control center for all treatment planning needs and ensuring centers get greater value from existing equipment. RayStation also seamlessly integrates with RayCare®*. By harmonizing the treatment planning, the care of cancer patients worldwide is improved.
About RayCare
The RayCare®* oncology information system (OIS) is designed to support the many complex logistical challenges faced by today’s oncology clinics. RayCare is closely integrated with RayStation®* and provides seamless access to all the powerful planning tools in RayStation and RayCommand®. The system efficiently coordinates activities in radiation therapy and offers advanced features for clinical workflow automation, and adaptive radiation therapy. RayCare responds to the demand from clinics for a more user-friendly and workflow-oriented information system that can support the cancer care of the future.
* Subject to regulatory clearance in some markets.
Johan Löf, founder and CEO, RaySearch Laboratories AB (publ)
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