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Disclosure notice

Stockholm, April 10, 2006 Johan Löf, Erik Hedlund, Anders Brahme, Carl Filip Bergendal and Anders Liander (”the Principal Owners”) divested 410,000 B shares in RaySearch Laboratories AB (publ) (”RaySearch”) on April 7, 2006 . This corresponds to 0.8 % of the votes and 3.6 % of the capital in RaySearch. Accordingly, as of April 7, 2006 the Principal Owners hold shares corresponding to 78.6 % of the votes and 42.2 % of the capital in RaySearch. The Principal Omners divested shares at the same time as employees, who a year ago, acquired shares in RaySearch through av option program, sold 149,626 (of which Anders Liander 10,000) of these shares coordinated. These employees are not allowed to sell the remaining shares before 2007-03-01. The total number of shares, which were sold, were 549,626. Johan Löf sold 220,536 shares, Erik Hedlund 55,357 shares, Anders Brahme 49,107 shares, Carl Filip Bergendal 37,500 and Anders Liander 37,500 plus 10,000 which totals 47,500 shares, all of which were series B. Refer to the table below regarding the Principal Owners’ shareholdings after the sales. A key purpose of the Principal Owners’ sales was to continue to enhance conditions for improved liquidity in the RaySearch B share, which is listed on the Attract40 segment of the O List of the Stockholm Stock Exchange. The Principal Owners will remain as long-term majority owners in RaySearch. Johan Löf, Erik Hedlund, Anders Brahme and Carl Filip Bergendal are together bound to retain a voting majority in RaySearch through 2012 in accordance with an agreement with two of the company’s main cooperation partners. The purchasers of the shares were a number of international and swedish institutional investors. The holdings of the main shareholders after the sales are shown below. A shares B shares Votes in % Capital in % Johan Löf 2,081,028 558,928 43.3 23.1 Erik Hedlund 522,363 145,963 10.9 5.8 Anders Brahme 463,387 128,657 9.6 5.2 Carl Filip 353,859 98,877 7.4 4.0 Bergendal Anders 353,859 119,035 7.4 4.1 Liander Total 3,774,496 1,051,460 78.6 42.2 Handelsbanken was the financial advisor to RaySearch and the Principal Owners. For further information: Johan Löf President and CEO, RaySearch Laboratories AB Telephone: +46 (0)8-545 061 30 About RaySearch RaySearch develops and markets software for radiation therapy of cancer. The products are specially designed to optimize radiation therapy with the aim of adapting the radiation dose to the contour of the tumor, which then allows high doses to be delivered to the tumor while minimizing the dose to surrounding healthy tissue. RaySearch, a spin-off from Karolinska Institutet, was formed in 2000. The company has since sold its product, RayOptimizer, to more than 800 hospitals internationally through a licensing agreement with Philips, thus enabling more than 100,000 patients to receive improved radiation therapy. Sales through Philips of the products RayBiology and RayMachine began in 2004. RaySearch signed a licensing agreement with Nucletron at the beginning of 2004. The latter agreement made RaySearch's products available to a large number of additional clinics worldwide and, consequently, increased the number of potential customers sharply. Delivery to clinics of OM-Optimizer, the first product based on the partnership with Nucletron, began in April 2005. In May 2005, RaySearch signed a Letter of Intent with Philips for the development of products within adaptive radiation therapy. In February 2006 an agreement was signed with Scanditronix-Wellhöfer regarding development of products for improved quality assurance for IMRT. RaySearch was listed on the Stockholm Stock Exchange’s O-List in November 2003 and as of July 1, 2005, RaySearch is listed in the Attract40 segment. RaySearch is based in Stockholm and currently has 29 employees. RaySearch Laboratories AB (publ) Sveavägen 25 SE-111 34 Stockholm Telephone: +46 (0)8–545 061 30 Company website: