Advancing cancer treatment through machine learning

Turn data into insights with our oncology analytics system

Machine learning and data-driven oncology represents a new era in healthcare. RayIntelligence® is an innovative cloud-based oncology analytics system that gives meaning to data, empowering cancer centers to reach new levels of personalized care through insights based on clinical data. The latest version, 2024A, was released in December 2023.


RayIntelligence product video

Watch this short video to quickly understand what RayIntelligence, the oncology analytics system is.


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Is RayIntelligence integrated with RayCare?


One of our experts takes us through the answer, in this video series highlighting RayCare as a Transformative OIS. RayIntelligence makes an appearance in this episode. Click here to see more in this series.


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What is an oncology analytics system?

Our oncology analytics system RayIntelligence is designed to help turn your data into insights. It simplifies and automates data integrations and comes with dashboards for visualization of patient data and treatment data. Furthermore, it makes data searchable, enabling you to define patient and plan sets for trials, monitoring, and research.

RayIntelligence simplifies data integration with the treatment planning system RayStation and supports patient and treatment population analysis through web based dashboards as well as via interfaces for advanced analytics. It can be used to display patient data in many areas of cancer care with a focus on data originating from radiation therapy treatments and processes.


Is it in the cloud?

Yes, it is in the cloud. And there are several benefits to that. You can scale up or down your usage of the service depending on the current need. Your data is backed up and protected in a secure and safe location operated by Amazon Web Services (AWS) – one of the world’s leading providers of cloud computing. You can access the server at any time from wherever you need to and collaborate with colleagues and advisors. Upgrades come automatically and, last but not least, it saves your IT department from having to manage and maintain hardware for the system.

About security

Data security is a priority in RayIntelligence, and all data is encrypted both in transit and at rest. User authentication is based on SAML with continuous security monitoring.

StateRAMP Member

StateRAMP’s governance committees adopt policies and procedures that standardize security requirements for providers. StateRAMP’s Program Management Office then verifies those cloud offerings utilized by government satisfy adopted security requirements through independent audits and continuous monitoring.  RaySearch is currently pursuing these approvals amongst others. 


RayIntelligence is here!

Download the product flyer here.

RayIntelligence webinar

This webinar was held in December 2021. It is 1 hour long and gives much more details and background.


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